Tales of Hope from the Trees Blog
Unseen and Undone
The twenty-eight-year-old young man had just witnessed his momma crossing over her eternal threshold while his five-year-old boy was in the next room dreaming of the Legos that remained strewn all over the kitchen table. “It looks like a major
Being Seen
Every morning I step outside, there is an invitation waiting. It is quiet and often softly hidden. It seems as if it lies just beyond this thin veil of noticing. Amusingly I often find simple offerings from creation that tease
Where Does My Help Come From?
Oh my gosh! No! My heart pounded as I stood in the hallway outside my room in my pjs and barefeet. No phone, no key, nothing… except my hot cup of cacao. Now what, God? It was 5:15 a.m. and
Fodder for Waiting
“Bring your favorite candy for a writing exercise.” Immediately I knew what was coming with me to the Arizona writer’s retreat. When ordering the luscious Do Not Chew truffles from New York, I was sorely disappointed when the sales lady
Jessie’s Heart
“I am still with you…””Okay, I am still with you…” I heard this repeated by the customer representative helping me with an erroneous Sirius subscription added to my billing account on 3/16/23. He repeated it to the point of pausing
Why the Trees?
As I learned of the details of Jessie’s accident, I felt a glimmer of hope rising when I discovered that one of her friends had carved her name, the date of her accident (3/16/09), and a cross in the bark