A Mountain and A Cross

After spending a special sunny, warm weekend with a writers community, reflecting on the gifts measured in successes and struggles in 2024 and looking forward to the dreams for 2025, Bill and I were navigating our way back to the San Diego airport early Sunday morning to catch a flight home. The traffic was light, the sun was rising, and without warning, we were greeted by this massive triangled landscape sleepily cloaked in pink. It was as if a glimpse of my dreams for 2025 appeared to stamp possibilities upon my heart. 

Mountains are the highest points on earth, a place where heaven and earth meet. As I breathed in this vision, I wondered if there was a deeper message to be discerned.

“My gosh Bill, do you see that cross on the very top of that huge mountain?” 

“Um no, driving over here.” His eyes never moved, carefully navigating the winding highway. 

My thoughts veered. That mountain truly is a reflection of what my dreams for 2025 feel like. How can I accomplish climbing those dreams? It seems daunting with all the obstacles, yet as I look up, I see there is this HOPE on top of all of it… this PROMISE overseeing our hearts… this STRENGTH that is forged with each step… this PRESENCE who will never leave us… this CONFIDENCE that we are never alone.

I was reading a message from a woman who had just finished reading Severed Sacredness, blinking tears away with her words, “The section about ‘NOT YETS’ was so encouraging to me right now, as I just had a 3rd hip surgery and am feeling SO defeated in what I’m physically able to do and trying to get relief from chronic pain. I’d been so focused on the ‘ravaged limbs’ left on the ground that I forgot to look up at the tree before me to see what remains and what is to come.” 

My heart is so thankful that God gave her hope and a shift in her perspective. What a powerful reminder for me to look up to see what remains and to know there is still more to come. God isn’t finished. His dreams are like the pink cloaked mountain rising up every morning with His signature on top for all to see. He is the “Waymaker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper, Light in the Darkness, My God, that is who You are! You are here, working in this place, moving in our midst, touching every heart… Come Lord Jesus, Come.”If you know anyone who is struggling and could use hope-filled stories, I would encourage you to send them a copy of Severed Sacredness: The Miraculous Journey of Jessie Boone. This book shows how to climb through the roughest terrain in the middle of the darkest nights with a Light that is never extinguished as God sends help in the forms of rescue missions with and for His children. The Cross on the top of that mountain is there for you too!

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