There has been a constant humming in the background of my days and nights. This felt-not-heard experience creates unsettledness in my soul.
During a recent gathering in a circle of fellow companions, the humming paused for a moment as we settled into the deep stillness of our hearts. This pause was to honor St. Brigid, a patron Saint of Ireland, who represents compassion, hospitality, healing, and care for creation. There was a pause for peace in the world and then a prayer offered reminding us she was a woman of peace—-bringing harmony where there was conflict, light into the darkness, hope to the downcast—-asking her mantle of peace to cover all who are troubled and anxious and to root peace firmly in our hearts and in our world.
This moment held my heart in stillness reminding me to continue to carry her lamp to those small places I inhabit. I wonder if every single person in the entire world would tend to their small places they inhabit with compassion, hospitality, healing, and care for creation, if this could cause a shift of such magnitude so that peace would bloom and blossom into this broken world in a new way?
The humming has returned along with the unsettledness. But something is different. Perhaps the humming is the vibration of thousands of prayers of the people asking God for help, for compassion, for hospitality, for healing, for a deeper listening. Perhaps the humming is a quiet song rising to the heavens praising in the midst of the storms. Perhaps the humming is the groaning of the Spirit yearning for the earth to be renewed. Can you hear the humming? I wonder how we are being invited to join in this deep call? Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the FIRE OF YOUR LOVE and renew the face of Your earth!